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03 June 2014

Irizar Group ends year 2013 reaching a new historical record with a turnover of 556 million Euros

Group Irizar ends year 2013 with a new record turnover of 556 million Euros.  This growth is the consequence of strength in the Irizar brand and of the other brands forming the gr…
05 February 2014

Irizar entrega a Julián de Castro los primeros autocares que incorporan el sistema de detección de fatiga del conductor

  El acto de entrega contó con la presencia del Consejero de Transportes, Infraestructuras y Vivienda de la Comunidad de Madrid, D. Pablo Cavero, así como otras personalidades po…
31 January 2014

Irizar participates in the ZeEUS project to implement electric buses in the main European cities

  This past 23 January, Irizar participated in the launch of the ZeEUS project, which stands for "Zero Emission vehicles in Urban Society".  The project was presented in Brussels…
31 October 2013

Masats arrives in the USA

With the name Masats llc and headquartered in Calhoun, Georgia, Masats has founded its subsidiary in the United States.   [icono-descarga]Descargar la noticia completa[…
31 October 2013

Jema in the JT60SA research project in Japan

Jema is awarded the procurement of the power supplies for the JT60SA research project in Japan   [icono-descarga]Download the complete article[/icono-descarga]
31 October 2013

EcoAssist, Driving efficiency and sustainable mobility

Datik presents its new EcoAssist product at the Busworld International Bus and Coach Fair. This solution has been designed to contribute towards driving that is safer, more effici…
31 October 2013

Creatio, the Irizar Group’s Research and Development Centre

Our strategic commitment to technology and long-term innovation has resulted in Creatio, a Research and Development Centre that has been established to promote the Irizar Group’s …
16 October 2013

Irizar will present the new generation of coaches and buses equipped with Euro VI engines as well as its latest technological advances

Irizar will be present this year in Kortrijk at the 22nd biennial edition of the International Bus and Coach Fair with a stand measuring more than 1,000 m2 that will include an Ir…
16 June 2013

Delivery of the 1000th Irizar i6 coach

  The Irizar i6 was presented to the market at the International Bus and Coach Fair (FIAA in Spanish) that took place in Madrid in November 2010. Two years later, we are happy to…
09 April 2013


  We are talking about MagicEye, a solution developed by Datik, a subsidiary company of the Irizar Group that pioneers the development and presentation of advanced technological s…
31 October 2012

Jema opens its first subsidiary in the United States

Within the frame work of its internationalisation strategy, Jema recently established its first subsidiary in the United States. The company chose San Francisco, California, as it…
31 October 2012

Improve efficiency, safety and comfort

Datik is a pionee r in the developme nt and introduction of advance d tec hnological assistance , information and driving control system s that help save on fuel and minimize the …
